[In the Media] Opinion : Academic journals like vultures – Making meaningless alibis (Th ...>>
[In the Media] Factors Associated With Intention of Future Pregnancy Among Women Affecte ...>>
[Lecture] “Introduction To Global Health” (Department of Public Health, Graduate School ...>>
[In the Media] New perspectives on the healthcare system reform: Preventive care and cos ...>>
[Presentation] The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Public Health (October ...>>
[Presentation] The 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Disaster Medicine in Kobe (October 18 ...>>
[In the Media] Convening the “Career training for women” event – an opportunity to learn ...>>
[In the Media] Industry, academia, and the Government jointly launch the “Co-Creation Hu ...>>
[In the Media] Kushikatsu Tanaka effects total ban on smoking in its stores – Jazz cafes ...>>
[Activity Report] The 2nd PASE AWARD Ceremony (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Ind ...>>